Außenansicht des Jagdzeugmagazin am Jagdschloss Grunewald

Hunting Depot at Grunewald Hunting LodgeHunting History

Closed due to restoration work

The Hunting Depot at Grunewald Hunting Lodge must remain closed until further notice due to the roof insulation measures. Thank you for your understanding.

Frederick the Great closed the royal hunting lodge on Friedrichswerder located in Berlin’s present-day district of Mitte in 1765 and opened the hunting depot at Grunewald Hunting Lodge in 1770. The king, who had little interest in hunting, also had hunting gear and equipment from Liebenwalde, Oranienburg, and Spandau transported to the Grunewald site, where an extensive depot with wagons, canvas barriers, ropes, nets, and more was established. Wooden hooks on the ceiling still recall this use. Hunting weapons, however, were not stored here, but at the armories.

The hunting depot was in service until use of the imperial hunting grounds was discontinued in 1904. Subsequently, the building was variously used, among other things as a horse stable and wagon shed, and by a mounted police unit in the 1920s. In early 1977, the hunting collection was reopened to the public.

Today visitors can supplement their visit to the exhibition in the palace with knowledge about the history of the courtly hunt in Brandenburg-Prussia and its most common forms. Archaeological discoveries from the former moats around the Hunting Lodge also illustrate aspects of the site’s construction history.

The Hunting Depot at Grunewald Hunting Lodge [Jagdzeugmagazin am Jagdschloss Grunewald]
Hüttenweg 100 (am Grunewaldsee)
14193 Berlin

Kathrin  Külow
Jagdzeugmagazin am Jagdschloss Grunewald
Hüttenweg 100 (am Grunewaldsee)
14193 Berlin
Phone: 030.8 13 35 97
SPSG | Visitor Information
Visitor Centre Historic Windmill in Sanssouci Park
An der Orangerie 1
14469 Potsdam
Closed Mondays

Visitor Centre New Palace in Sanssouci Park
Am Neuen Palais 3
14469 Potsdam
Closed Tuedays
Phone: +49 (0) 331.96 94-200
SPSG | Gruppenservice
contact form for booking requests
Phone: 0331.96 94-222
Fax: 0331.96 94-107

  • conditionally barrier-free

The Hunting Deport and Armory (Jagdzeugmagazin) and the Schlosshof are accessible for wheelchair users with assistance. A ramp can be set in place at the Hunting Depot and Armory if necessary.

Unfortunately, for conservation reasons the use of baby carriages and strollers is not permitted in exhibition spaces.

Please note: No luggage or baggage may be left in the entrance area of the palace for security and safety reasons.
Unfortunately, there are no facilities for storing larger pieces of luggage or similar baggage on the premises of this historical site. We appreciate your understanding.

Café und Ferienwohnung im Jagdschloss
Die Mosaik-Werkstätten für Behinderte gemeinnützige GmbH betreiben im Jagdschloss Grunewald ein Café und eine Ferienwohnung.

Weitere Informationen unter

Locanda 12 Apostoli | Italienisches Restaurant
