Legal Advice

The contents of the website www.spsg.de are designed for facilitating the access of the public to information of our foundation and providing a comprehensive picture of our tasks. Great attention is paid to the provided information being correct, up-to-date, complete, comprehensible and permanently available. However, the following restrictions have to be made:

1. Contents of other providers:
The links available on the website leading to the contents of websites of third parties (external contents) were created by the Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg (Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation of Berlin-Brandenburg) to the best of their knowledge and exercising the biggest care possible, just providing access to the „external contents“. When doing so, attention was paid to the trustworthiness of third providers and to the accuracy and lawfulness of the „external contents“. As the content of websites is dynamic and subject to changes at any time, it is not possible to continuously check all data which any link leads to. Therefore, the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation of Berlin-Brandenburg expressly does not appropriate the contents of websites of third parties linked with its own Internet presence. The respective provider of the website referred to is exclusively liable for any damage resulting from use or non-use of „external contents“.

2. Own contents:
The contents of this website are created with the greatest care and best conscience. The provided offer of information implies the following limitation of liability: The Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation of Berlin-Brandenburg is not liable for any damage resulting from use or non-use of „external contents“. We are not liable for possible damage caused by calling or downloading of data infected by computer viruses or by installing or using any software.

3. Error messages:
The editor asks the users of www.spsg.de, to draw his/her attention to illegal or faulty contents of third parties to which links are maintained in the internet presence. Equally we ask you for informing us when our contents are not faultless, up-to-date complete or comprehensible.

Copy right:
The copy right for texts rests, unless otherwise defined, with the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation of Berlin-Brandenburg. The copy right for pictures also rests, unless otherwise defined, with the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation of Berlin-Brandenburg. Any texts, parts of texts, graphic representations, tables or picture material must not be copied, published or exhibited without prior permission granted by the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation of Berlin-Brandenburg or the respective  holders of rights.