Information for tour operators and group travel business

Dear customers, partners and guests

A warm welcome to our B2B online marketplace!

Brief & informative, our news for you.

Group offers 2020 - Online!

The group prices of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Berlin-Brandenburg for 2020 are now available online.

Learn more: Flat rates for groups

Do you have any questions? Just give us a call or send an e-mail: + 49(0) 331/ 96 94 222 or

We kindly present all offers available to groups: detailed, clear and up-to-date.

Learn more: Group Offers Overview

Special exhibition 1 May until 1 November 2020, Cecilienhof Palace

Potsdam Conference 1945 - Shaping the world

In 2020, the summit of the three victorious powers of the Second World War – the United States,
Great Britain and the Soviet Union – will have its 75th anniversary. At the round table in the
Cecilienhof Palace, the heads of state Truman, Churchill (Attlee starting on 28/07/1945) and
Stalin deliberated about the future of Germany and a political and territorial reorganization of
Europe and the world. The negotiations began on 17 July and ended on 2 August 1945 with the
“Communiqué on the Three Power Conference of Berlin”, which would later enter into history as
the “Potsdam Agreement”.

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Potsdam Conference, the Prussian Palaces and
Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg (SPSG) is planning a special exhibition, from 1 May to 1
November 2020, at the site of the conference in the Cecilienhof Palace.

Experience those fateful days of the summer of 1945 at this authentic location on a multi-medial journey through time.
The after-effects of the conference, palpable to this very day, are explained clearly with the aid of international loans, diary entries, historical film and photo material, and documents dating from the time.

Learn more: Sepcial exhibition Potsdam Conference - Cecilienhof Palace

We're looking forward to hearing from you:

Contact & Booking

SPSG | Gruppenservice
Telephone: 0331.96 94-222
Fax: 0331.96 94-107

Head of Group Service

Katja Naruhn
SPSG | Palace Management
Head of Group Service
Postfach 60 14 62
14414 Potsdam, Germany
Fax: +49 (0)331.96 94-107

Cooperation Requests

Jeannette Birk
SPSG | Department Education and Marketing
Tourism and Market Research
Telephone: +49 331.96 94-192
Fax: +49 331.96 94-106