Social media netiquette

We would be delighted to see lively comments and discussions on our social media posts! To ensure that the exchange remains pleasant and constructive for everyone, we call on you to adhere to the following rules. These apply to the Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg. In this way, we would like to promote a respectful culture of debate in which constructive and objective criticism is always welcome.

1. respectful behaviour

A fair and respectful tone ensures a pleasant exchange for everyone. Even if the topics can sometimes be emotional, we ask you to comment objectively and in any case to refrain from personal attacks or arguments directed against individuals.

Insults, slander, obscenities, personal attacks or racist, anti-Semitic, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or other dehumanising comments will be deleted by us and reported to the platform operators. This also applies to posts that violate the rights of third parties and copyright. Criminally relevant content will also be reported to the relevant security authorities.

2. note the subject matter

Please ensure that your comments are relevant to the topic. We will remove posts and comments that have absolutely no connection to the posted article.

3. advertising

Refrain from using comments as advertising space for other  websites or services, commercial messages and election or political party advertising, appeals or campaigns.

4. offences against these commenting rules

We will not tolerate violations of the commenting rules listed here and will delete or report contributions at any time and, if necessary, without giving reasons. By interacting on the pages of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg, you recognise these guidelines. Violations of the general laws and legal provisions may result in exclusion from the relevant platform and legal consequences.