Château de Charlottenbourg La splendeur de la Prusse dans un ensemble Le Nouveau Palais Une fanfaronnade royale Château de Sanssouci Un refuge royal sur un vignoble Une journée idéale à Sanssouci de A
SPSG Research is Online The Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg (SPSG) is committed to the principle of open access with regard to scholarly communication and exchange. Researc
La splendeur de la Prusse dans un ensemble Avec l'ancien château et la Nouvelle Aile, le Château de Charlottenburg est le complexe le plus important et le plus remarquable des Princes-électeurs brande
Au bout de l'allée principale, à l'ouest du parc de Sans-Souci se dresse un immense palais surmonté d'un haut dôme de tambour visible à des lieues à la ronde. C'est le Nouveau Palais. Conçu sans aucun
Un refuge royal sur un vignoble Aucun autre château n’est aussi lié à la personnalité de Frédéric le Grand que le château Sanssouci. Sa résidence d’été, construite en 1745-47 par Georg Wenzeslaus von
Between 1686 and 1689 the glassmaker and alchemist Johann Kunckel produced coloured glass beads in his glassworks on Peacock Island. The deed from the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg, which
In 1681, Otto Friedrich Graf von der Groeben (1656‒1728) entered into the service of the “Great Elector”, Frederick William of Brandenburg (1620‒1688). Before taking up this position, he had travelled
The sledge’s runners are crowned by the bust of a Black man wearing a turban and star pendant on a gold chain. The object recalls carousels that had been designed for the great princely courts since t
The two paintings called “Brazilian Virgin Forest” (1830) by Johann Moritz Rugendas are among the works created by the so-called “traveling artists” in the 19th century. Following the example of Alexa
Four large-format paintings are on display in the grand staircase of the Old Palace of Charlottenburg Palace, which show us allegories of the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. These cont
The medallion recalls the first efforts in Brandenburg under Elector Frederick William (1620‒1688) to strengthen overseas trading and to take part in the colonial exploitation of Africa. In September
There are several pairs of figures carrying candelabras among the 54 sandstone sculptures that ornament the balustrades on the side of the New Palace facing the garden: Romans and Teutons, as well as