sanssouci+ charlottenburg+ Annual pass Family Tickets Other Day Passes / Combined Tickets Promotions Annual Passes Free admission and concessions to the palaces and to Peacock Island Free and reduced
Enjoy many special benefits with the purchase of a personalized annual pass for the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg (SPSG): Free admission to all open SPSG palaces and for t
Frederick William, the Elector of Brandenburg, is shown seated upon his horse like a god, with his head held high and no stirrups. This statue once stood on the bridge known as the Lange Brücke (now R
One of the most unusual objects in the collections housed at the Prussian Palaces and Gardens of Berlin-Brandenburg is an almost 2.90-metre-high bronze incense urn on the lawn near the Chinese House i
Surrounded by insignias of power, costly porcelain objects and emblems for science and art, two female figures are the central focus of the ceiling painting: a white woman wearing a crown and a Black
Ferdinand Bellermann is considered as being one of the 19th-century’s so-called “traveling artists”, who visited Latin America for study purposes in the wake of Alexander von Humboldt. A travel grant
The painted interior of the round tower room at the royal manor on Peacock Island imitates a hut made of bamboo and palms. The painted scenic views depict a fictive landscape resembling those found in
Originally, the busts of four Black men and women were part of the sculptural decoration in the First Rondel at Sanssouci Park . The images were probably created by Italian artists in the second half
The so-called "Tip of the Kilimanjaro" – a small chunk of stone in the Grotto Hall at the New Palace, goes back to the first ascent of this massif by Hans Meyer in 1889. Meyer took a rock sample from
In its research the Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg focuses on the following main areas. The Research Center Sanssouci both coordinates and fosters networks for national an
Château de Charlottenbourg La splendeur de la Prusse dans un ensemble Le Nouveau Palais Une fanfaronnade royale Château de Sanssouci Un refuge royal sur un vignoble Une journée idéale à Sanssouci de A
The ivory furniture set, created around 1640, had been commissioned by Johann Moritz von Nassau-Siegen. As Governor of the Dutch West Indies Company in Brazil, Johann Moritz was one of the main protag