Modul F: A Playground on the Trümmerberg (A Mountain of Debris)

Some sections of Charlottenburg Palace and Garden were severely damaged or destroyed after the Second World War. The debris and rubble left behind by the war were collected between the bordering rivulet (Fürstenbrunner Graben) and the railway embankment. Wagonloads of rubble on a train brought all non-recyclable materials to the former perimeter of the garden, where they were heaped into piles.
Following the hardships and constraints under National Socialism and the war, the mountain of debris that was later designed in a light-handed, natural garden style, offered the public a place to play, have fun and relax. Four new bridges connected the old garden with the new section of the park.

The playground and its equipment have evolved over the decades since then. We have designed the area with a modern, inclusive playground and sports equipment and invite you to have some fun here. Go ahead and give it a try!